XII Congreso de la Asociación Española para la Economía Energética, Salamanca (España). 02-03 febrero 2017
The European offshore grid is a barrier and an enabler to the sustainability transitions of power systems. Its social and technical elements shape the development pathway, one strongly influenced by innovations. Simulation can help on pathway management, but its application is non-existent, and the consideration of innovation in simulation is scarce. Therefore, we analyse relevant features of socio-technical systems, innovations and the offshore grid, and different simulation approaches. ABM and myopic optimization represent better multiple transition phases, individual actors and the technical subsystem. By complementing qualitative and quantitative methods, simulation can support the offshore grid sustainability transition and innovations.
Palabras clave: Offshore grid, innovation studies, sustainability transitions, simulation, modelling
Fecha de publicación: 2017-02-02.
J. Gorenstein Dedecca, Inclusion of innovation in simulation of offshore power grids, XII Congreso de la Asociación Española para la Economía Energética, Salamanca (España). 02-03 febrero 2017.